Graceland Student Care

Our Programme

Graceland offers a comprehensive program dedicated to nurturing every aspect of a child’s development. Our focus extends beyond academics, encompassing supervised schoolwork sessions, age-appropriate structured play, and engaging enrichment activities. But that’s not all – we believe in making learning exciting and memorable for our students, and that’s why we plan thrilling excursions and Value-in-Action Learning Journeys during school holidays. 

At Graceland, we understand the vital role of character development and firmly believe it begins at home. However, we also recognise that every individual interacting with a child can contribute to fostering positive social values. Hence, our curriculum adopts a two-fold approach, with equal emphasis on academic education and character formation. We aim to complement what children learn at home and in school, striving to nurture their holistic growth throughout their time with us. Our goal is to equip each child with the necessary skills and values to thrive in all their future endeavors. 

Join us at Graceland, where we pave the way for a bright and promising future, guiding, and supporting your child every step of the way. Together, let’s create a positive and enrichment that foster growth, knowledge, and compassion. We believe that a well-rounded education is the key to unlocking a bright and successful future for each student. 

Study Time & Enrichment

We prioritizes the daily accomplishment of school homework as our main focus. Our dedicated teachers work diligently to closely monitor and ensure that students complete their schoolwork with integrity and commitment. In addition to schoolwork, we place importance on spelling practice. Our teachers conduct regular spelling tests well ahead of school test dates to ensure that students are thoroughly prepared and confident in their abilities. 

To further support academic excellence, we offer in-house supplementary lessons. These sessions are designed to assist students in enhancing their understanding and mastering their subjects, paving the way for academic success. 

With our unwavering commitment to academic progress and holistic development, Graceland provides a nurturing and enriching educational environment that empowers students to reach their full potential. 

Character Development Programme

Our mission is to instill holistic character development and foster gracious living and positive social interactions among our students. 

Central to our approach is the quality Comprehensive Character Development Program (CCP), which encompasses a wide array of concepts and methodologies aimed at nurturing the intellectual, social, emotional, and ethical growth of young leaners. Through this program, we cultivate an integrated culture of character development, emphasizing the importance of instilling core values in our students. By doing so, we prepare them to lead healthy, fulfilling lives and to make meaningful contributions to society. 

We firmly believe that education goes beyond academics; it involves shaping the character and values of everyone. Through our carefully crafted CCP, we aim to empower our students with a strong moral compass, empathy, and compassion. We foster an inclusive and respectful environment that encourages open-mindedness, understanding, and cooperation among our diverse student body. 

Outdoor Activities

We are committed to promoting good health and encouraging an active lifestyle among our students. To achieve this, we have incorporated ball games and exercise into our weekly schedule. These activities not only contribute to physical well-being but also instill a sense of discipline and teamwork among the students. 

In addition to physical activities, we priortize team building as an essential component of our curriculum. Through carefully designed team building activities, we reinforce the core values upheld by our centre and cultivate social-emotional competencies among our students. These activities provide opportunities for our students to develop communication skills, empathy, leadership, and cooperation, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone. 

By incorporating sports, exercise, and team building activities into our program, Graceland aims to create holistic learning experience that goes beyond academics. We believe that a healthy body and strong sense of community contribute significantly to a well-rounded and fulfilling educational journey for our students. Through these initiatives, we aim to nurture confident, empathetic, and socially adept individuals who are well-prepared to face the challenges of the future with vigor and resilience.